Tag Archives: summer

We dislike change or do we?

The door slams on one thing and opens on something else.  Or when a door shuts a window opens.  You’ve got to open your hand and let go of what you are holding on to so that God can fill it with something else. Those old sayings all deal with change.

And I have one recurring thought nagging me. It’s been said and I have heard it, that “you people dislike change!” That got may attention because I’m not too sure about that. The person who said it, a speaker, asserted that people naturally dislike change.  But do they?

Change of seasons

Is not always disliked. Lots of folks, me included, like the change of seasons. I talked to a couple this fall who moved north year round to embrace the change in seasons.

Change in aging

. We hurry our children so that shows that in that way at least many like the changes they see as they children progress from newborn to baby,toddler, preschooler, elementary, teens and then twenties. People are anxious for the next thing so often! In themselves too you hear people talking about the next thing. Teens want to get out of school, get a job, get a car, get a gal or guy, get married, have kids, get a promotion, get a house, get married kids, get grand kids, get a retirement and on and on.

Planning ahead is taking up a lot of time and energy. People anticipate and plan for the changes! So to say they dislike change is not hitting it on the button.

What people dislike

It  is certain kinds of changes.

What kinds? Abrupt. Unexpected. Downward or downsizing or out of control kinds of changes. Rapid changes with no real warning and those which take life in a different direction. The changes that erupt like a volcano or tonado or hurricane.


What do you think? Do you dislike change or relish it? What kind of changes appeal to you? Have you ever thought of why?

I’m a thorough addict of the why. I’m so addicted that I encourage others to ask why and look at why and tell me why. My college friends teased me about it but I never grew out of it.

So lately I’m mulling it over. Why change? Why not? Some is good and some is bad and since it’s winter and life is a bit slower than it is in the summer (see seasonal changes can be helpful) I’m doing a bit more pondering. Although I’m busy enough that it seems difficult to drum up the time to write these thoughts down and share them with you.

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